Fault: Localised darkening was noted randomly across a table cloth upon removal from the dry cleaning machine.
Technical Cause: After examination under magnification it became apparent that the yarns had a metallic coating. In most areas of the cloth the coating was intact, however, in large circular areas it had been completely removed. In the areas where the coating had been removed, the natural colour of the yarn was now visible which gave the affected areas a much darker appearance. An area of residual metallic coating was rubbed with perchloroethylene dry cleaning solvent, this had no effect.
Responsibility: The responsibility for this lies with the end user. The table cloth was found to resistant to dry cleaning solvent absolving the manufacturer and no evidence that any spot-treatment had been carried out by the cleaner was found. Given the nature of the item, it is most likely that a food or drink spill has weakened the metallic coating allowing it to be stripped away in cleaning.
Rectification: None is possible.